
Founded 1926

Co. Limerick

Ahane U8 Footballers - blitz in Monaleen

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Ahane U8 Football Team – the U8 footballers continued to showcase their fine array of football skills – as well as one new summer haircut! – at the latest of the county organized football blitzes tonight in Monaleen. Tonight’s session comprised of the locals, 2 teams representing Ahane, plus Ballybrown and Ballinacurra Gaels as well to make up a very competitive outing to test their skills and teamwork.  on a fantastic evening for both playing and watching football, sheer enthusiasm for the game and for playing with friends won out as every player on both teams had great fun playing through 3 different matches.  Whether it was the school holidays or the commitment of their coaches, it was plain to see that both teams enjoyed every minute of it, especially playing in front of their parents.  The players received some well-deserved treats at the end of the evening to thank them for their hard work in improving their football skills over the last few months, and to say happy holidays!  Tonight’s panel consisted of – Harry, Donncha, Daniel, Jack, Ben, Shane, John, Cormac, Tony, Kevin, Ewan, Rory, Shane, Cian, Riain and Tom.  As always, the panel and mentors would like to say a huge thanks to Monaleen GAA for hosting tonight’s event and inviting us along, and again to all the parents who continue to come along and support wholeheartedly throughout.  This is only possible with the help of those same parents, so best wishes for any upcoming holidays, they are well deserved.

Reminder – there is one more hurling training this coming Monday evening at 6.15pm, then all U8 activities are on hold for the remainder of July.  U8 Mentors.

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